iPhones Repair and Unlock!!!Cheap and Fast! +
If you are looking for a professional repair service then you have to visit us.We can provide many iPhone, iPad and other smart phones like blackberry and samung repair services. Possibly you had one of the more common broken iPhone issues, such as a cracked LCD screen or broken glass. Or maybe a mechanical problem such as a broken camera or an unknown issue prohibits your phone from operating normally.
We have all of the parts and accessories nessecary to fix your Phone even from the any issues that result from water damage. Many people believe that once their phone has been submerged, the life of their phone has come to an end. many times they are incorrect,the phone can be fixed and the damages can be reversed.
We stock a full range of accessories including chargers, earphones, headphones, cases, covers and batteries.
!!!Excellent service, competitive prices, and you can call, email or visit us 7 days a week.
iMend Phones
145 Leytonstone High Road
London E15 1HL.